Why We Care About Affordable Housing and Shorter Commutes

The very foundation of our company is to help and support families. Hence, our motto… to make family time easier.

This week we met one of the lead organizers of SLO County YIMBY (Yes In My BackYard). A nonprofit organization that aims to fight for more housing options that are affordable and equitable, and that promote shorter commute times having a positive impact on the environment and families. YIMBY works with local and state governments to advocate for the communities they are serving. They also take the time to educate the community on how legislation affects their housing options and commute, and much more!

So why do we care?

Well, we are part of the community YIMBY is trying to support and educate. We need to be as informed as possible. We have been affected by the economy and housing shortage in our area. In our family, our combined commute time is a minimum of 10.5 hours per week. That is a minimum of 10.5 hours we spend just sitting in the car. If you take this, plus the combined 80-hour minimum work week, plus the 12 hours of sleep our son is currently getting each day, we get approximately 36 hours a week to spend quality time together as a family. Of course, this doesn’t include other obligations we may have.


How do we get to enjoy the family we’ve created? How do we get to do the things we are working so hard for in such a short amount of time?

How can we raise our children in only 36 hours per week?

This is why we care.  

As a business that is supporting families who are always on the go or single mothers and single fathers, we want to know about other resources that are serving the people we aim to serve. We would like to bring awareness to these resources for you, so that you may be able to make and have better choices for your families. We know that all families can struggle with their children. Whether your problem is changing diapers, being clean, eating a balanced diet, finding a changing station, or having a safe area to hang out; we're here for you. This is why we are trying to work with our alleys to bring you the support and education you need to live happier. 

We challenge you to see what organizations are local to your area and are working diligently to make your housing options affordable, equitable, and your commutes shorter.  


A Man in the Women’s Restroom


A Serious Life Saver at a Not So Family-Friendly, Family Event.