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5 Things to Put on the Baby Registry for Dad

When creating a baby registry, it's important to remember that dads need their own gear too. Modern dads are more involved in childcare than ever, and having the right tools can help them feel prepared and included. Joey, co-founder of Baby Yoyito, made sure to add plenty of dad-centric items when registering for his first baby, just as he did when designing the Day Trip diaper bag.

Here are five essential items to add to the baby registry for dad.

1. Diaper Bag Backpack - A versatile diaper bag is a must-have for any parent, and our Day Trip family bag is perfect for dads. With its built-in cooler, extra-large pockets, and loads of storage, this bag is designed to meet the needs of the entire family. It's stylish, functional, and built for comfort, making it the ideal companion for outings with the baby.

2. Baby Carrier - A baby carrier designed for dads is a great addition to the registry. Look for one that offers comfort and support for both dad and baby. Baby carriers allow dads to keep their little ones close while keeping their hands free, making it easier to handle everyday tasks and enjoy outdoor adventures together.

3. Dad-Specific Baby Books - Reading to your baby is a wonderful bonding experience, and there are many baby books specifically written for dads. These books often feature dad-centric stories and themes that dads can relate to. Adding a few dad-specific baby books to the registry can provide dads with a special way to connect with their little ones.

4. The “Right” Stroller or Wagon - A baby stroller or wagon designed for the baby is a practical and logical thing, but it should also be functional and meet the family’s style and hobbies. The “right” stroller or wagon will often include features like space for more than one child, large wheels, easy to fold and store. Having the “right” stroller or wagon can make it easier for dads to handle various daddy duties without being a hassle.

5. Dad-Friendly Baby Gadgets - There are plenty of baby gadgets designed with dads in mind. From high-tech baby monitors to gadgets that help with diaper changes, these items can make parenting more convenient and enjoyable for dads. Adding a few dad-friendly baby gadgets to the registry can help dads feel equipped and ready for anything.

Including items for dads in the baby registry is a thoughtful way to recognize their role in parenting. The Day Trip family bag, baby carriers, dad-specific baby books, multi-tools, and dad-friendly baby gadgets are all great additions to any registry. By adding these items, you're ensuring that dads have the tools they need to be actively involved and confident in their parenting journey.